Environmental activities

Environmental management

Core Principle (Guidelines)

T.RAD and its group companies, aiming to become the world’s No. 1 manufacturer of heat exchangers, must integrate efforts on not only conserving the environment and biodiversity but protecting the nature with contributing to the development of a prosperous society with all the employees involved in achieving this core principle.

Core Policy (Code of Conducts)

T.RAD and its group companies, in an effort to actualize the [company] core principle, should utilize and continually improve the corporate environmental management system for its contribution to the development of a prosperous society by predicting and assessing the environmental impact throughout the entire lifecycle of the products and by establishing the purposes and objectives of preserving the environment and biodiversity.

Environmental Promotion Committee

Policies to achieve the environmental vision and mid-term plan are determined by the Environmental Promotion Committee and it conducts progress management.

ISO 14001 certification acquired

We have acquired ISO 14001:2015 at all overseas offices as well as Japanese offices.

ISO14001Acuisition Status

Base Acuisition Update
T.RAD Co.,Ltd. (Japan) 2000/10 2017/6
T.RAD North America, Inc (U.S.A.) 2001/10 2017/8
T.RAD Czech s.r.o. (Czech) 2007/5 2017/5
TRM LLC (Russia) 2014/8 2017/7
T.RAD(Zhongshan) Co., Ltd. (China) 2005/2 2017/12
T.RAD(Changshu) Co., Ltd.) (China) 2015/8 2017/8
T.RAD(VIETNAM) Co., Ltd. (Vietnam) 2015/1 2017/11
T.RAD(Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 2007/12 2017/2
PT.T.RAD INDONESIA (Indonesia) 2010/8 2017/4

Environmental activities at design development phase

By setting a target value for CO₂ reduction contribution of environmentally friendly products as well as sales ratio target value, we promote expansion of environmentally friendly products.

Cumulative contribution of CO₂ reduction
by environmentally friendly products

Sales ratio of environmentally
friendly products

Positioning of environmentally friendly products is calculated based on life cycle assessment (LCA).
We compare the environmental efficiency of conventional products and new products and indicate them as product environmental criteria.
Products that their product environmental criteria are above a certain value are positioned as environmentally friendly products. (Based on Japan Auto Parts Industries Association guidelines)

Environmental activities at the production phase

We set the target value for energy conversion (electricity equivalent), waste reduction, waste recycle, water consumption reduction, and then evaluate achievement by activities.


Energy consumption converted to electricity, and Trend of basic unit of energy consumption converted to electricity (Japan)


Trend of waste volume excluding scrap iron and
basic unit of waste volume (Japan)
Recycling rate (Japan)


Trend of water consumption and
basic unit of water consumption (Japan)

Environmental awareness activities

In-house environmental education

At T.RAD, we conduct a lecture of "Environment Overview" regarding our environmental activities at the time of new employee education, and promote the employee's environmental awareness so that they can apply it for their work. Also we are implementing "ISO 14001:2015" education as a tool to promote environmental protection efforts.

Supplier education

T.RAD manages environmental conservation activities systematically and educates suppliers so that continuous improvement can be realized.

Environmental risk management

T.RAD always monitors and checks the operational status of the environmental management system as well as the compliance with laws and regulations of environment.

T.RAD risk management system chart

Inquiries Locations