
Terms of Use

Terms of Use

This website is administered and maintained by T.RAD Co., Ltd. ("the Company"). Please use this website only after reading and agreeing to the following terms of use.

Copyrights and Other Intellectual Property Rights

The content (including information, technologies, text, graphics, images, and photographs) on this website is protected by copyright law and other intellectual property laws of the respective countries. The content may be used only for personal, noncommercial purposes. Use (including duplication, translation, transfer, transmission, and distribution) for any other purpose is not permitted without the prior written approval of the Company. Trademarks and brand names of the Company on this website are protected by trademark law. These trademarks and brand names cannot be used without the prior written approval of the Company. Any information released by the Company on this website does not constitute a grant of any rights regarding copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights, and any other intellectual property rights. Regarding individual content, in the case that terms of use are defined separately or in the case that there is a link to content defining the terms of use, those terms take precedence.

Prohibited Acts

The following acts are prohibited in the use of this website.

  • Acts that infringe or may infringe the property, intellectual property rights, or privacy of a third party or the Company
  • Acts that cause or may cause loss or damage to a third party or the Company
  • Acts that violate or may violate public order and morals
  • Acts that are or may be criminal
  • Acts that impersonate or may impersonate a third party
  • Acts that provide or may provide false information, such as the registration of a third party's e-mail address
  • Acts that defame or may defame a third party or the Company
  • Acts that damage or may damage the credibility of a third party or the Company
  • Acts that use or provide or may use or provide harmful computer programs, such as computer viruses
  • Acts that breach or may breach laws, rules, or regulations
  • Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate

Information and Its Posting Date

Information on this website is current as of the date it is posted on the website. Please be aware that information may be changed after its posting on the website.

Trademarks of Third Parties

Adobe and the Adobe logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Microsoft® Office Excel® and Microsoft® Office Excel® logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Other company names and product names are trade names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Regarding content, in the case that a trademark is indicated separately or in the case that there is a link to content indicating the same, the relevant information takes precedence.

Linked Sites

  • The material on third-party websites to which this website provides a link or on which there is a link to this website (“Linked Sites”) is managed at the responsibility of the respective third parties and is not under the control of the Company.
    Please follow the terms of use given on the respective Linked Sites when using those sites. The Company is not responsible for material on the Linked Sites or for any losses or damages incurred through the use of the material on the Linked Sites.
  • The fact that there is a link to this website does not mean the Company is endorsing the use of the Linked Site or the products, services, companies, etc. on the Linked Site. Furthermore, it does not indicate that there is an alliance or other special relationship between the Company and the Linked Site.


The Company takes the utmost care in posting information on this website. However, the Company makes no guarantee as to the information's accuracy, usefulness, reliability, suitability to the purposes for which the customer uses it, or safety (that functions will not be interrupted, that errors will not arise, that the Company will correct faults, or that the website and server do not contain computer viruses or other malicious elements, etc.), even in the case that there are errors, defects, inconveniences, or access problems in the content on this website.

Moreover, the Company shall bear no responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from customer use of this information, customer inability to use this information, or customer use of this website. Please be aware that the Company may change the URL and/or the information on this website without prior notice. Moreover, please note that the Company may suspend or terminate operation of this website without prior notice. The Company shall assume no responsibility for any reason whatsoever for any losses or damages resulting from the change of information or the suspension or termination of the operation of this website.

Applicable Laws and Court of Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use shall be governed by, construed, and interpreted under the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of the first hearing for all matters, including disputes, arising out of and/or relating to this website.

Inquiries regarding This Website

Please use the inquiry form for any inquiry regarding the Company's website.

Inquiries Locations